Herding Cats


Making Laundry Soap

ran out of Laundry soap so it was time to whip up another batch-I thought I would post the recipe I use.

1 bar of Dr. Bronners soap, grated with the fine side of a box grater

1 cup Borax

1 cup Washing Soda

1/2 cup baking soda (not shown in picture)

The most annoying part of mixing up a batch is grating the bar of soap with the box grater, there must be an easier way! Mix all the ingredients together and store in a sealed container, use about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of mix per load. It will not lather up like detergent you buy in the store, but if you feel the water, you will notice the slippery feel.

I am using Dr. Bronners Lavender soap for this batch and have a rinse/fabric softener with lavender in it also so everything smells nice. I just took a half gallon jug of white vinegar and added about 25 drops of lavender essential oil. Shake well and fill 2 Downey balls about half full and add to wash at the beginning of the load.

The Downey ball was a bit of a mystery but I googled it on the internet and found out how they work, it's pretty cool and putting more than the fill level indicated on the ball doesn't seem to change how they work, so they open up in the spin cycle and let the vinegar mix out.

I did laundry on saturday and hung each load on my newly extended clothesline, it felt very virtuous. Mom helped me hang a load and was horrified that the art of hanging out clothes had been overlooked by me! she has very specific ideas about how each item should be hung to minimize wrinkles and get the sun to shine bright and strong on certain areas. We had a good laugh when she started re-hanging things behind me. I Love my Mo!

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