Herding Cats


Un-Piling My Compost Pile

Yeah the girls got me something too, they worked on unpiling the compost for days! Mom helped them out and re-piled it a couple of times. Little stinkers.

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well those boys of mine really outdid themselves for my special day, they brought a baby bunny into the house, with intentions of a special meal I'm sure, but I ruined their little Hassenpfeffer menu plan when I closed Dempsey in the bedroom and shooed Barker away so I could rescue this petrified little bunny from behind my filing cabinets. It was quite a trick because those cabinets are FULL of stuff - think immovable objects. Mom helped me get him and then prepared a lovely rubber maid bin for him to sleep in that night. I agonized over where and when to let him back outside and I'm still not sure I did the right thing, Mom and I agreed there wouldn't be any pictures of him on milk cartons to help me decide so I waited till a little before dusk and took him down the street where we have seen other rabbits in the evening. I hope he makes it, he was really small. what a precious little face he has, and of course when I was holding him I caught myself rocking him. To give you an idea of his size, I am holding him in a washcloth cupped in one hand.


They Have Gotten So Big!

Well my little babies are now sleeping outside in their coop every night - I'm not liking it - I miss the little peeping noises they would make, chicken snoring I guess you could call it. Amy at work suggested I get a baby monitor, and I think I'm going to try it. The boys have spent the last 2 nights outside with them, although I doubt it is to lend moral support, more like maybe we can sneak up on them while they're out cold.
This is a picture of them at 3 wks old taking a group dirt bath. What a hoot that is! They all want to be as close to each other as possible while they scratch and lay and fluff in the dirt, and the noises they make, it is a real event.

This is baby Lola taking a little nap on moms lap, covered with the hem of her pajama top so she stays warm and cozy. She is so sweet.

Here is the most recent picture of the girls, they came to work with me, and really liked being perched on my in/out baskets. They were very quiet and I could feel all those little eyes on my back as I typed....

Mom came and picked them up after lunch and took them home so they could have some yard time. It's been very hot out in the afternoons so they are getting a wedge of watermelon everyday, and I brought them inside on Sunday to have a bit of air conditioning because poor petal was laying on her side panting! I need to get them some electrolytes to put in their water-chicken gator-aid!