Herding Cats


I'm waiting for the Locusts...

Well I had a big toad in my kitchen a few days ago, he had weird reddish spots on him, but was really very cute. When I picked him up he kept making loud sighing noises, like he was thinking just get me to the door already. The boys wanted nothing to do with him so I suspect those spots must mean I taste bad.
The next day I walked into the craft room, put something down and walked back into the living room, I thought to myself "Hmmm that stick wasn't there a minute ago" well that stick was a little snake! He was very skinny but over a foot long, the picture is very fuzzy-he wasn't camera shy but I was trying to get a shot of him in a hurry, didn't want him getting away! I picked him up with a handkerchief and got a good look at him before I put him outside, he wasn't a plain old Black snake but didn't have any red rings or spots like a coral snake so I'm not sure what kind he was.

My kitchen is crawling with sugar ants, and it is still raining EVERY SINGLE DAY! so maybe I should go buy some hay for the Horsemen of the apocolypse. Kidding.


A Better Use For The Ped Egg

a zester!

This is awesome, it costs 10 dollars, is enclosed so the zest is contained and lets be serious, it is the exact same thing as one of those expensive microplaners from Williams and Sonoma. They even sell replacement blades. I have labeled it prominently Kitchen Only so it will never touch feet-