Herding Cats



Heidi and I went to IKEA in Orlando 2 weeks ago, somehow it came up at work today, so John and I are extolling the virtues of IKEA land to Melissa, she hasn't ever been to one, so isn't really getting it but boy John and I were definitely on the same wavelength, the routine is you go upstairs and follow the maze through the showroom area, if you see anything small that you want in the bins or end caps you better grab it because finding it again isn't an option, try to keep calm even though you want to 'go to guns' when the family of 6 is in front of you spread out across the aisle and completely oblivious to everyone trying to get around them, not to mention the baby strollers! Hold it together and take your time, there are treasures to be found. When you reach the Marketplace -

  • stop at the top of the stairs if you value your sanity,
  • turn around and go get something to eat,
  • sit quietly for 15 minutes or so,
  • then venture downstairs. Don't say I didn't warn you.

    The visit was marred by the fact that I got NO SWEDISH MEATBALLS. They closed the restaurant early to prepare for a Valentines day dinner ($40 per couple) now at first blush this sounds like a cheesy thing to do with a date on V-day, but wait... it is perfection if you are both hooked on I-land or even just Fight Club fans, but I digress, back to NO SWEDISH MEATBALLS. Blood sugar was low and we all know shopping mistakes can be costly when this happens, so Heidi and I coordinated on the cell phone and met downstairs at the hot dog counter. Imagine my delight when after waiting in an unusually long line I saw a small size order of SWEDISH MEATBALLS on the menu! I reached the counter, saw the man next to me get his little cup of balls and gravy (yummy!) and was pulled up short when the grumpy counter girl told me they were out of meatballs, there wouldn't be more for 20 minutes. DAMN *&@#?!^ with the line stretching out behind me it was a hot dog or nothing.

    My intention was to find a base for my bed, the Hollywood frame just isn't cutting it, I want to have the legs of the bed show, and these metal things with wheels look like crap. Unfortunately the 2 that would have done what I want only came in twin size. Nope the days of bunk beds and full size mattresses are over my friend-I am a grown up.


Barker a.k.a. Fur Farm #2

This is my Boy Barker - so named because he talks very loudly for such a small boy

He will tell you a tale of woe that goes on and on and on...

Patterson Road

I use Patterson Road twice a day during the week (to and from work), it is a great driving road, country-lots of curves-hey look at the cows-but there are a lot of accidents,
there don't seem to be a lot of injuries except of course to the cars, fences and occasional power pole. Just thought I would start keeping track of the crack ups

So it begins...

I tried a facebook account, hated it - felt very exposed

I'm not very good with email, I feel like I'm repeating myself, bet sending the same email to more than one person makes it feel like a form letter

I collect information, links, printed stuff, and annoy my family by printing things for them

Always wanted to keep a journal, never stuck with it

Lets see if a blog will help