Herding Cats


PT&L Out In The Yard

Took the girls outside for a little time in the yard - they love eating ants and little bugs, if one of them finds something tasty the other 2 will chase her to try and steal it away. Wing feathers are getting more obvious every day, I had to cover the top of the box with netting so they didn't fly out and of course the boys would love for me to look away for just a second or two...


They're Here!

The Post Office called about 9:00 this morning so I rushed down and picked up my new babies!

They were peeping like crazy, I opened them up right there at the window to make sure everyone was okay and of course the two clerks had to oooh and aaah over them, I was so proud you would have thought I layed them. They were packed up even better than I expected, here is the view when I opened the box, i know the dark green is gel that they can eat to stay hydrated during their trip and I'm assuming the white pouch is warm for most of the trip. It wasn't warm anymore when I picked them up but of course it is sweltering outside this time of year so they were fine.

I've got them back at the office with me now in the chick mobile and they are doing great. No body was pasted up and they are eating and drinking and of course pooping like crazy.
I'll be able to get some pictures of their adorable faces later tonight.