Herding Cats


Chelle's Birthday and Cowboy boots

Hey Miss Chelle - Happy Birthday Baby!

boy have I missed talking to you, we have got to got to got to see each other so please tell me a cold beer and lots of girl talk is in our future.

On a totally unrelated note, Heidi mentioned the other day that she REALLY wants a pair of cowboy boots. This struck a chord with me, I too have wanted cowboy boots since I was a little girl. So wait a minute, shouldn't they be called cowGIRL boots, either way what is the deal with boots? It's Florida! 8,000 degrees and humid as a fat womans p'sassy in pantyhose all the time - talk about impractical - but I don't care I want em too!

So I've started the search, and here are some contenders

Whenever I see a little girl with red or pink cowgirl boots on just strutting her stuff, I have to smile and know that she will either be a fan of boots all her life or this will satisfy the need and she'll never need another pair. I'm going to stay away from the red and pink, but they aren't going to be safe and plain brown or black - they are gonna be flashy!

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