Herding Cats


Happy Birthday to Me!

Well those boys of mine really outdid themselves for my special day, they brought a baby bunny into the house, with intentions of a special meal I'm sure, but I ruined their little Hassenpfeffer menu plan when I closed Dempsey in the bedroom and shooed Barker away so I could rescue this petrified little bunny from behind my filing cabinets. It was quite a trick because those cabinets are FULL of stuff - think immovable objects. Mom helped me get him and then prepared a lovely rubber maid bin for him to sleep in that night. I agonized over where and when to let him back outside and I'm still not sure I did the right thing, Mom and I agreed there wouldn't be any pictures of him on milk cartons to help me decide so I waited till a little before dusk and took him down the street where we have seen other rabbits in the evening. I hope he makes it, he was really small. what a precious little face he has, and of course when I was holding him I caught myself rocking him. To give you an idea of his size, I am holding him in a washcloth cupped in one hand.

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