Herding Cats


I'm waiting for the Locusts...

Well I had a big toad in my kitchen a few days ago, he had weird reddish spots on him, but was really very cute. When I picked him up he kept making loud sighing noises, like he was thinking just get me to the door already. The boys wanted nothing to do with him so I suspect those spots must mean I taste bad.
The next day I walked into the craft room, put something down and walked back into the living room, I thought to myself "Hmmm that stick wasn't there a minute ago" well that stick was a little snake! He was very skinny but over a foot long, the picture is very fuzzy-he wasn't camera shy but I was trying to get a shot of him in a hurry, didn't want him getting away! I picked him up with a handkerchief and got a good look at him before I put him outside, he wasn't a plain old Black snake but didn't have any red rings or spots like a coral snake so I'm not sure what kind he was.

My kitchen is crawling with sugar ants, and it is still raining EVERY SINGLE DAY! so maybe I should go buy some hay for the Horsemen of the apocolypse. Kidding.

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